Experience as a Brothel Worker
The experience of working at a brothel varies depending on person, place, and situation. The different cities presented in this exhibit, for example, have different notions of the appropriate age restriction for employees, what aspects of a worker's background the state should be aware of, and to what degree the worker should be restricted to a unique location or type of work. As brothels are considered indoor prostitution, they are generally less accessible and less vulnerable to street predators, safer from abusive clients as managers or receptionists are able to intervene, they are shielded from the elements which improves their health and comfort; and, if conducted discreetly, they do not present a public disturbance and generate complaints from nearby residents and merchants. [1]
The experience of a brothel worker is also impacted by socioeconomic status, drug dependency, immigration status, and the adequacy of procedures available for screening clients and protecting workers. [2] State regulation and stigma also impact the daily life and experience of a brothel worker.
[1] Weitzer. 23.
[2] Ibid