Browse Exhibits (3 total)
Sex Work And Public Health: Then and Now
This exhibit illustrates the substantive lack of change in discourse regarding sexually transmitted infections (STIs), public health, and sex work, which shows a larger pattern of sex work stigmatization that has stayed mostly the same. Public health is a discipline that has evolved over centuries of scientific advances and the development of new health scares, but many of these changes are reflections of the past. Though there are certainly inherent differences, HIV/AIDS in modern sex work communities is very much a reflection of syphilis in 19th century Parisian sex work communities.
Prostitution and Colonialism: A Comparative Analysis of Algeria and North India
This exhibit examines prostitution in a colonial context by comparing Algeria under French rule and North India under British rule. In addition to identifying similarities in these two cases that stem from the colonial context, this exhibit also highlights France and England's differing colonial philosophies, which in large part account for the differences in how prostitutes were viewed and how prostitution was regulated.
Outside the Law: Governing Class Through Prostitution
This exhibit will examine the origins of prostitution regulation in 19th century Paris in order to show the ways in which the regulation of prostitution is a means to govern class through crime.